“Grammar Translation
Method – an emerging updated Trend in Teaching English”
G. Mohana Charyulu,
Department of English,
K L University,
Teaching is an ever changing one. It involves many factors and reasoning for
changing because language is not a subject, it is a skill. Teaching Language
depends on the individual talent. Today the goals of language teaching have
transformed from teaching about the language to how to use the language i.e.
communicative competence. In search of this comprehensive method, the experts
are trying to find the optimal linguistic input on one hand and on the other
hand the best techniques to involve the learner in interactive communication to
achieve communicative competence.
Grammar Translation method in Teaching English which was an age old one,
I feel in my presentation, is the best suited skill for Indian Learners. May
this methodology be not a new one but the updated orientation of this method
will enhance the skill of the present day English Learner. In my presentation “Grammar Translation Method – an emerging
updated Trend in Teaching English”, I focus on this age old method with
restructured techniques because this formerly tried out method was based
heavily on linguistics as well as the introduction of new methods developed
outside the domains of linguistics. I think this psychologically and
affectively oriented humanistic method of teaching English is well suited for
Indian learners where students have homogeneous linguistic background and where
the interactive mode is missed. It has its most positive points in bringing
mutual respects from both the teacher and students as well as from the students
It is not out
of context to place before you a few things about Grammar Translation Method. The
Grammar Translation Method is very much based on the written word and texts are
widely in evidence. A typical approach would be to present the rules of a
particular item of grammar, illustrate its use by including the item several
times in a text, and practise using the item through writing sentences and
translating it into the mother tongue. The text is often accompanied by a
vocabulary list consisting of new lexical items used in the text together with
the mother tongue translation. Accurate use of language items is central to
this approach. Generally speaking, the medium of instruction is the mother
tongue, which is used to explain conceptual problems and to discuss the use of
a particular grammatical structure. It all sounds rather dull but it can be
argued that the Grammar Translation method has over the years had a remarkable
success. Millions of people have successfully learnt foreign languages to a
high degree of proficiency and, in numerous cases, without any contact
whatsoever with native speakers of the language.
The Grammar
Translation method embraces a wide range of approaches but, broadly speaking,
foreign language study is seen as a mental discipline, the goal of which may be
to read literature in its original form or simply to be a form of intellectual
development. The basic approach is to analyze and study the grammatical rules
of the language, usually in an order roughly matching the traditional order of
the grammar of Latin, and then to practise manipulating grammatical structures
through the means of translation both into and from the mother tongue. Without
a sound knowledge of the grammatical basis of the language it can be argued
that the learner is in possession of nothing more than a selection of
communicative phrases which are perfectly adequate for basic communication but
which will be found wanting when the learner is required to perform any kind of
sophisticated linguistic task.
At the height of the Communicative Approach to
language learning in the 1980s and early 1990s it became fashionable in some
quarters to deride so-called "old-fashioned" methods and, in
particular, something broadly labelled "Grammar Translation". There
were numerous reasons for this but principally it was felt that translation
itself was an academic exercise rather than one which would actually help
learners to use language, and an overt focus on grammar was to learn about the
target language rather than to learn it. As with many other methods and approaches,
Grammar Translation tended to be referred to in the past tense as if it no
longer existed and had died out to be replaced world-wide by the fun and
motivation of the communicative classroom. If we examine the principal features
of Grammar Translation, however, we will see that not only has it not
disappeared but that many of its characteristics have been central to language
teaching throughout the ages and are still valid today.
There are
certain types of learner who respond very positively to a grammatical syllabus
as it can give them both a set of clear objectives and a clear sense of
achievement. Other learners need the security of the mother tongue and the
opportunity to relate grammatical structures to mother tongue equivalents.
Above all, this type of approach can give learners a basic foundation upon
which they can then build their communicative skills. Applied wholesale of
course, it can also be boring for many learners and a quick look at foreign
language course books from the 1950s and 1960s, for example, will soon reveal
the non-communicative nature of the language used. Using the more enlightened
principles of the Communicative Approach, however, and combining these with the
systematic approach of Grammar Translation, may well be the perfect combination
for many learners. On the one hand they have motivating communicative
activities that help to promote their fluency and, on the other, they gradually
acquire a sound and accurate basis in the grammar of the language. This
combined approach is reflected in many of the EFL course books currently being
published and, amongst other things, suggests that the Grammar Translation
method, far from being dead, is very much alive and kicking as we enter the
21st century.
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- Rivers, Wilga M. Teaching Foreign Language Skills, 2nd Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.
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- Shih-Chuan Chang. (2011). A Contrastive Study of Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Approach in Teaching English Grammar. English Language Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 2,pp.15-16.
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